Dear Rally Partners,

Lately, God has had me preaching on "Don't be afraid or ashamed to say what He has said about us." This is a very powerful thing to do and for most it goes against religious teachings, family traditions and against the natural world. We are living in a time where people say that it's ok to say whatever the devil is saying or it's ok to say whatever you want to say. However, that does not make it the truth just because people are saying it. Folks, if it has not come out of the mouth of God than it's not the truth. Let's look at the following verses:

Romans 8:28 KJV “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose”.

Now, in this one verse it tells us if we love God and have received His call, then things will work out for our good. The good here is the work of God, the word of God. We can live in a place where we can declare with boldness that the good of God is working for us. We don't have to settle for the bad. The bad here, is all that is not of God. Let me give you some examples of the bad. Many people say when you turn 40 your body will begin to change, you will start losing your hair, you will get high blood pressure and arthritis will set in because that's just part of life. No! That's not the truth, that's not what the Word of God says. This one verse says if we love God and we except His call, then His good will work for us and we can live in the good of God. I can hear people saying, "oh, Rick you have gone to far." No, I have gone to the Word of God and found out that if it's not good then it's not God. Let's keep reading:

Romans 8:29 KJV "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.”

This verse is telling us that God predestined us. Or you can say that God has set us up in advance. Set us up for what you may ask? That we should be in the image of Jesus. So let me ask you a question. How is Jesus today? Is Jesus sick? Is Jesus broke? Is Jesus depressed? Is Jesus tore up from the floor up? No, He is walking in the good! God is saying that we are just like Jesus, so let's start talking and walking as the good. Let's start declaring that over our own lives. Amen!

Romans 8:30 KJV "Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified”.

Verse 30 is saying that God called us. So my question to you is "If He called us, what did He call us to? If we look at Deuteronomy 28, we can find 33 things that God called us to. Like blessed in the city, blessed in the Field, we are the head and not the tail. The whole bible is words from God to us. There are over 8,000 promises in the Bible, so we just need to be bold and say what He has said about us. We need to begin to shout it out and take it by faith, Amen.

Say this with me "I am healed; I am prosperous; I am the whole and I am the called of God. Friends, if you want to see the bad come to an end in your life then you must fill your life with the Good of God. Let's finish Verse 30. It says that He justified us. The word justified means to be made right or to be in the right. We have a right to say the right over our lives. It goes on to say that He has glorified us or He has set His glory on us. You can say that we wear His glory on our lives. Let me say that this is getting me fired up! We are in no way shape or form in the image of satan. We are carriers of the God of the good, Amen! I want to encourage you to only say what God says about you and then and only then will you have what God says is rightfully yours, which is the blessing.